Time to get a new Kippie Bag
When liquids were first allowed again after the fiasco in 2006 I used run of the mill quart-sized plastic baggies. I think I would go through one per month because my bag is packed pretty tight and the pulling out and shoving in would do a number on it.
Then sometime in 2007 I got a fancy clear travel bag as a gift. I’ve used it trip after trip ever since, but now it’s coming to be time to replace it! I’d prefer not to replace it, but since mascara falls out I think it is time.
I like the flat-ish design of my current bag so I didn’t want one like this:

and since mine was a gift I couldn’t just buy the same one again unless I could find out what it was. This one looks pretty close though:

So I think I will pick up the latter. I like a reusable bag – and here reusable means the plastic will last more than a couple months.
I’d prefer to end the 3-1-1 non-sense and you would think after Kip Hawley’s post on CNN that maybe we would revisit the security theatre more, but apparently not today. That means a new baggie for me.
Before I pull the trigger on this, any suggestions for which brand is the most durable?
Get TSA-Pre and don’t bother with any of them.
I have it, but I travel to a lot of places that don’t. Even MKE this week doesn’t have Pre.
Ziploc makes a lovely line of these!
I’ve never once used a plastic or clear baggie, and I’ve never had anything said about it. I carry a small Tumi toiletries kit, put it in the bin, and it sails right through. I’d suggest the same if you’re carrying toiletries…