Just get me on the internet, thank you

I know free Wi-Fi isn’t really free, but it seems like it is getting harder and harder to get online on the “free” Wi-Fi.
CLT has had free Wi-Fi for over 7 years with minimal issues. Then a few years ago Google did a big Christmas Free Airport Wi-Fi promotion and Charlotte was part of it. I’m sure on the back-end Charlotte had its reasons, but to the end users the product went from Free to Free but we want you to install Chrome unless you read and click the fine print. Things went back to normal, but recently CLT joined the people requiring jWire ads before getting on. Now the mobile page is trying to require apps. That is where I draw the line!
I try to keep my phone free of random apps (hence why my app reviews are infrequent, I only review what I actually want to use). I don’t like this new premise of downloading some hotel booking app to get online.
Good thing I have a mobile hotspot. I may need to start using it more often since last week MKE only gave me a certain period of time after installing some random app and then the only way to renew was to pay $4.95. It’s hard to balance being connected enough to get my work done and incurring a ton of internet fees.
Not good.
STL made the local human interest headlines in St. Louis by announcing they will now have free wifi. Only to find out that’s it limited to 20 minutes free after they renegotiated a 7 (yes 7) year contract with the provider.
20 minutes free? I’d say for an average traveler that might be OK, but if there are any delays then that really is a short amount of time. It’s been a while since I’ve flown through STL (much to the disappointment of my brother) but I don’t remember much to do at the airport. The AA part wasn’t too bad, but concourse A? with Delta and United was just pathetic.