Ever had one of those months…
I was without my work laptop for a month while my hard drive was being replaced and I was vacation. Even though my work laptop has nothing to do with my blogging, I felt like I was without my brain for the whole time. Outlook Web Access is just not the same as real outlook when it comes to appointments and contacts. I’m so lazy with my contacts just popping up with the typing of a few characters so having to find my clients’ address first and copy it into OWA just made me not want to e-mail at all!
Now my brain is back and I have no excuses anymore. I should be blogging regularly again and hopefully I am less scatter-brained but I can’t guarantee that.
One thing I recommend (or else I’d be scatter brained for the whole year) is to backup your hard drive ESPECIALLY any archived emails regularly. Due to e-mailing large files a lot my mailbox would be full if I didn’t have autoarchive set to 2 months. If I lose my archive I lose A LOT of important stuff for active projects. Get a portable hard drive.
Always keep up on backups…you wonder why you’re doing it until you lose a HD!