New phone time
I’ve had my HTC Fuze for almost 18 months which means May 7th I’m due for a new phone at the 2 year contract rate. I’m itching to get rid of my Fuze due to the horrible lag and lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack. I think Windows Mobile is an OK platform, but there isn’t a lot of work going into apps for it. It’s a pretty dead platform.
I mainly just read e-mail, update RSS feeds of podcasts, and do some light surfing on the phone. A lot of that is due to the fact that it is tedious to do anything else. The Twitter app I’m using doesn’t refresh. To get foursquare to find my location I have to open Google Maps first. Otherwise it crashes when I try to search for a location.
I want a phone that works.
- Sold by AT&T
- Physical keyboard
- real 3.5 mm headphone jack
- e-mail that supports OWA accounts. My company doesn’t support smart phones so I need an OWA pull client like Seven or Emoze.
- touch screen

- I’d like a Motorola Droid, but no luck there the Motorola Backflip may be the closest thing I can get, but apparently AT&T gimped it and it doesn’t ship with the latest Android
- Blackberries seem to meet every requirement except touch screen. Bold 9700
- not much else is there. The others either don’t have a physical keyboard or won’t be out for several months.
- I could sell out and get an iPhone or convince my husband to drop his so we can get off AT&T and back to Verizon, but I think Southwest will install first class before that happens.
Anyone actually use the Backflip out there? Any suggestions for an AT&T phone? Should I go with the blackberry 9700?
ETA: I just learned about the Amazon wireless marketplace. If I’m reading the AT&T website correctly I can get a Back Flip and extend my current contract for $99 or I can do the same on Amazon for $0.01.
I have an HTC Tilt and am going to miss it but I will be switching to an iPhone soon. I’ve been playing with my iPod touch and though I used to be a “real keyboard only” person, I’m growing into the touch screen keyboard. It’s surprisingly easy to use.
If I’m lucky I might not even need a smart phone soon. I think I might just wait until June and see what happens.
Online sellers are definitely the best place for cell phone deals (just not the online websites of the companies themselves – etc)
amazon wireless, and all have the best deals
I don’t think you can get any phone on ATT that is anywhere close to the iphone (ATT and Apple probably want it that way)
I have a samsung eternity -non smartphone – but has a 3.55mm jack and is a touch screen